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About us


This is the purpose statement in our constitution:


The purpose of this church, as revealed in the New Testament, shall be to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and commit them actively to the church, to enable them to grow in the grace and knowledge of their Savior that they may ever do His will by being faithful, taking Christ's message to the world and working for the unity of all Christians through the restoration of the inspired church of the New Testament.


It is likewise the purpose of this church to maintain a nondenominational Christian church after the pattern of Pentecost and the early churches of the first century.


The members of this church shall be known as Christians only.  This church shall have no creed or articles of faith other than those contained in the New Testament; and in this church the primitive ordinances of baptism and the Lord's supper shall be observed, the former by immersion only, the latter on each Lord's Day.


This church shall be legally and ecclesiastically independent of all denominations, councils, agencies, societies, and mergers and shall recognize only Christ as its head, with no other authority in or of the world over the church.  In all matters not specifically commanded by Christ, this church shall recognize its own and the freedom of its members in Christ.


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