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At Capon Bridge Christian Church we have church service every Sunday morning and several special occasions throughout the year.  There is currently an adult Sunday School immediately following worship service and Wednesday evening Bible Study/Prayer meeting.  You are welcome to attend any or all of these times to gather and serve the LORD.


Our usual Sunday morning worship service is held at 9:30 AM.  We worship through song starting with praise and worship music, followed by traditional hymns throughout the service.  Selected Bible readings and prayer bring us before the throne and offer praise to Jesus.  The Lord's Supper is celebrated during each Sunday service.  A message is given by the pastor based on biblical text and expounds God's word.


Special services are held for Christmas, Good Friday and Easter.  In addition, there is a monthly evening service held the 4th Sunday of most months.


We also have children's church during the sermon for youngsters who wish to attend.

Sunday School


We currently offer an adult Sunday School program right after Sunday worship service. 


Each study focuses on a text of Scripture to dig into and learn.  Discussion opens into application and how the text applies to current events in the world. 


This is also a time to bring up additional questions about the Bible and Christian ideas.

Bible Study/Prayer


Each Wednesday night at 7PM we have a Bible Study which lasts a little over an hour.  The Bible text is gone over slowly and deeply, with comparisons to other parts of the Bible and finding how it relates to the Bible as a whole.  Informal discussion is a big part of our Bible study.



We are currently studying the book of Romans.


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